Apr 3, 2009

Kaka in selecao,Carol&Luca in church

You can check the video here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8945FrJEcJM
Here are some caps of Carol&Luca.

Ricky's in Selecao again..
A great return to international football for Kaka as Brazil defeated Peru 3-0.


  1. hi (:
    it's the first time i visit your blog..
    i loved it, it's so beautiful, congrats :D
    my flog is www.flogvip.net/fcdokaka
    (i'm a brazilian girl) ;P
    Kaka's so lovely, isn't he? OMG *--------*
    byee, sorry my bad english *:

  2. thanks for your comment. I'll visit your flog,too. :)

  3. hello my name is melodi i am an iranian girl . i love your blog beacuse i love every things about ricky. he is the best person i have ever seen. thank you again.
