Feb 13, 2009

interesting facts

Ricardo izecson dos santos leite
*Kaka is now the highest salaried football players in the world with Zlatan.

*He is a brain box who excelled at school and was forced to choose between university and his beloved football.
*And it's interesting to know that his nickname was 'Aninho(Angel)' when he was a teenager because of his good personality.

*He's a devout evangelist and married Caroline celico. Their son's name is Luca celico leite.

Caroline lyra celico
*Carol is a daughter of representative Dior Brazil, Rosangela lyra, and entrepreneur Celso Celico.

*She graduated british school St.Paul's, and studied in famous culinary school 'Le cordon bleu' in paris, Milan university, and fashion school Marangoni.
*She has one brother(Enrico,16 years old).

If you wanna know more about Kaka, just visit wikipedia.

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